3 ways to make your club more inclusive

By Katey Halliday, Rotaract Club of Adelaide City and the Rotary Club of Adelaide Light, South Australia, Australia

Rotary recently adopted a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement that sends a strong message that we embrace inclusivity. Rotary has clubs all over the world and reaches a broad range of people with our service projects. So we are already diverse, but a second ingredient, inclusion, is the key to unlocking and maintaining the full benefits of that diversity. How inclusive is your club?

Verna Myers, founder of the Verna Myers Company and vice president of Inclusion Strategy at Netflix, has explained the difference between the two concepts as “Diversity is being invited to the party, inclusion is being asked to dance.”

In the context of Rotary membership, this means it is not enough to invite people from diverse backgrounds to our meetings and events. We need to include them in club planning and decision making, and value their contributions.

Below are some ideas for cultivating inclusion:

Make your club accessible

  • Do you meet in a convenient location for everyone? If not, consider meeting in more than one venue.
  • Can people find information if they are unable to attend?
  • Does the time of your meeting work for the demographic you are trying to attract? You could provide options, such as some morning and some evening meetings. Not every meeting needs to include a meal.
  • Are there any unnecessary costs that block some from attending, such as the cost of a meal? A limited menu can also create unintentional barriers for those with dietary restrictions. Also consider providing the choice of not eating at all.
  • Can you bill for fees on a monthly or quarterly basis instead of annually, for those who would manage better this way? You could set up a small premium to cover the added cost.

Give all members something meaningful to do

This requires club leaders to understand why each member is there and determine what activities would fulfill their passion and purpose for joining. It is sometimes easier to do a task yourself then delegating, but handing tasks over to someone new is a great way to include them.

Provide diversity and inclusion training

Every club can benefit from an honest discussion about these topics. I have received feedback from many members and have heard in consulting with districts that some people hesitate to join because of inappropriate comments or behavior they have experienced. Bring in a speaker or conduct a training session on any of the following topics:

  • Using inclusive language: Learn about the effects our words have on creating a culture of normalised behavior. Gendered language, for instance, is a barrier toward achieving gender equality. To achieve the goal of having women comprise 30 percent of membership and leadership by June 2023, we need to take positive action in this arena.
  • Detecting and avoiding unconscious bias and discrimination. Sometimes people can unintentionally be treated unfairly because of a personal characteristic.
  • Understanding and avoiding sexual harassment. The “me too” movement has raised awareness of sexual harassment. Bring in an expert to raise your club’s awareness of the issue and what they can do to prevent it.
  • Calling out inappropriate behavior as a bystander. David Morrison, retired Lieutenant General of the Australian Army, and current chair of Diversity Council Australia, notes “the standard you walk past is the standard you accept.”
  • Participate in International Women’s Day, Harmony Day, your local Pride celebrations and other days that celebrate diversity.

There are many strategies your club can employ. But for any to work, you must accept that change is vital to Rotary’s continued success. We can admire Rotary International for approving the diversity, equity, and inclusion policy. Now it’s up to members to work it down to the club level. Learn what your club can do about diversity.

About the author: Katey Halliday is a past president and charter member of the Adelaide City Rotaract Club and recently joined the Rotary Club of Adelaide Light. She has also served as a team leader, coordinator, and trainer for Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA). She is a project officer and training facilitator in the Diversity and Inclusion Branch of the South Australia Police.

25 thoughts on “3 ways to make your club more inclusive

  1. Pingback: 3 ways to create a harassment-free zone at Rotary – Rotary District 5450 Business Directory

  2. Pingback: 3 ways to create a harassment-free zone at Rotary | Rotary Club - AIRC

  3. Pingback: 3 ways to create a harassment-free zone at Rotary | Rotary Voices



  5. I am a Liberian Architectural Draftsman, and a Cross-cultural missionary presently living in Mali, reaching some Unreached Peoples Group within Bafuolabe , wanting to become a member, how can I?


  6. A intelligent and informative article. I would like to share that to connect to the theme My husband is the President of Rotary Club Of Allahabad Elite and I m the Secretary. Like to set an example for Rotary that spouses work together.
    Thank you.


    • I feel we need to work on the barriers for membership, we as Rotarians have created. Of course, there is, Rotary is an club of old white men, and in some cases, it is. Or Rotary is elitist, only accepting the high and the mighty of society. Rotary as an organization needs to shed it’s image of being only for the elite.


  7. David Morrison’s quote is so important. It is all the things we “accept” by doing nothing that defines our “being”. Inclusion starts with a genuine interest in others, you words and actions are preceded by the way you define your personal space. Rotary is a place or a way of being that searches for opportunities to include others, to hear others. Rotarians who actively strive to follow these ideals are the force that shape humane and healthier communities that thrive


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