From poetry to polio eradication

The Rotary Club of Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India raised $7,500 for polio eradication through album sales of Gujarati Gazals.

The Rotary Club of Bhavnagar Royal, Gujarat, India raised $7,500 for polio eradication through album sales of Gujarati Gazals.

By Chirag Trivedi, president of the Rotary Club of Bhavnagar Royal, Gujarat, India

Since 1985, Rotary has been at the forefront of the effort to eradicate polio from the world. Here is a unique way a member of my club has been supporting this monumental effort with his own individual talent.

Himal Pandya has been a valuable member of our club since its chartering, having served as an assistant governor, past president, and Group Study Exchange Team leader for an exchange to Scotland in 2012-13. In fact, he played a pivotal role in the club’s formation. Our club has become one of the real success stories in our district, attracting more than 60 members with an average age below 40.

Himal Pandya

Himal Pandya

Besides his Rotary career, Himal serves as principal at the Pharmacy College and is a well-known poet who has written numerous pieces in our regional language of Gujarati. Blessed with this God-given gift, he decided to use his skills to benefit others.

Himal and our club were inspired by the generosity of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and wanted to do our part in meeting Rotary’s Challenge for polio eradication. So in Rotary year 2011-12, we decided to release an album of his Gujarati Gazals (poems) accompanied by music. The musical compositions were truly melodious and became very popular with music lovers and followers of Gujarati literature.

Within no time, the album sold 4,000 copies and raised approximately $7,500 for the challenge. The entire proceeds from album sales were donated to the polio eradication campaign in the names of the clubs or Rotary members who purchased them. Past RI President Kalyan Banerjee recognized Himal for his humanitarian gesture at our Rotary District 3060 conference that year.

We are still selling Himal’s album, and have just decided to release another 1,000 copies, this time supporting a literacy initiative in South Asia. As club president, it has been an honor to know Himal and see how a Rotarian can use his abilities for good.

6 thoughts on “From poetry to polio eradication

  1. Dear roatary club, first of all thank you for your wonderful efforts to make india polio free. I was student of Mr. Himal Pandya, a truely devoted person towards society, nice human being and best rotarians I know so far. I always found him in first either it is blood donation camp, eradiaction of polio or anything that work for humanity. He is true Inspiration for many young people like me to join rotary club.
    Thanks Mr. Himal and thank you rotary.
    All the best for future endeavors.
    May god bless all.


  2. I also know himalbhai personally as I am also a part of same district where he comes from. This album is really fantastic and I really thank Himalbhai for such an inovative idea for raising fund for Polio. Now when Bhavnagar Royal has decided that they will publish another 1000 copies, I will try that I also can contribute at my level to it for literacy mission in India. Congratulations to the club and to Himalbhai.


  3. Great Initiative Himal bhai , you are inspiration for many other Rotarians , please go ahead with Rotary sprite , we all are always there with you .


  4. Pingback: Today’s Links | Rotary International District 3040

  5. Pingback: From poetry to polio eradication | Warsaw Rotary , Club 3393, District 6540

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