Ukrainian refugee joins with Rotarians to help people back home

Rotarians have partnered with a solar energy company to provide solar generators that power critical medical equipment at front-line hospitals in Ukraine. Photo by Olena Vynohradova

By Heidi Rickels, past president of the Rotary E-club of WASH

As a Rotarian and development professional, I’ve witnessed many remarkable stories of resilience and compassion. One that deeply touched my heart is that of Yurii Zinchenko, a highly accomplished lawyer with more than 20 years of experience practicing and teaching law in Ukraine. As his apartment building burned, he fled his home in eastern Ukraine, along with his wife, Vitalina, and their young daughter, Anastasia, in February of 2022.

The journey for the Zinchenko family was marked by hardship and uncertainty as they navigated the perilous path westward, fleeing the violent Russian invasion alongside countless other Ukrainians desperate for safety. It was a journey filled with displacement, confusion, and fear, which ultimately led to a beacon of hope.

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